As you may know, I am obsessed and positively over the moon about Gavin. He appeals to me on a myriad of levels; firstly, I love his breeding. Secondly, I am a believer in serendipity. Lastly, he is an exceptionally talented mover AND a big fucking asshole.
The latter has caused me the odd moment of self-doubt (hardly shocking, I can assure you.)
Due to his size, strength and some bad habits, Gavin has been known to, on occasion, drop his head and turn on the gas. Granted, its not a full-tilt affair, but he is a force to be reckoned with, and there have been times I've thought to myself that I have no business taking on this business.
The good news/bad news is that, through a series of lunge line lessons, Ive been able to ride Gavin in a collected, controlled manner. This is mostly achieved through my dropping my reins and keeping my (generous) ass off his back.
The good news: Gavin does have the capacity to be a genteman under saddle.
The bad news: Turns out its my riding that lights his ass up.
So Ive had to come to terms (again) that I am a horrific rider, but, I am confident there is likely a light at the end of the tunnel. The sheer joy of actually having a successful ride (and witnesses!) gives me the hope that we can one day achieve greatness in the walk/trot division. Ponies, beware!
In other fun news, Gavin doesnt fit my saddle so - poor me - I have embarked on the quest to find the nicest possible saddle for the lowest possible price. God knows I love a good shop, and my goal-oriented nature makes it all the more fun for me to scour every corner of the internets in search of that elusive bargain.
I took a gorgeous Devououx out on trial from Running Fox - absolutely fantastic to sit in and the leather is a deep chocolate brown that is heartbreakingly sexy on the G-Man. Priced at a mere $2800 used I was releived to find out that it is - wait for it - actually too big for my posterior.
Thank god for minor miracles as I had already started to mentally shuffle every penny to my name onto my VISA in an attempt to somehow rationalize how I was going to pay for it.
Mark came home and found the Devouucoux Biarritz in all of its glory stashed in the bedroom where I had tried to conceal it and asked me "Dear - why the hell is there a $3000 saddle in the closet?" I explained to him that it was just "on trial" and he raised an eyebrow and told me he "knew my game."
Little does he know I put a deposit on a used Antares this afternoon.